In an exciting turn of events, Helldivers 2 has unleashed a groundbreaking update, eliminating a notorious bug that permitted players to exploit unlimited Strategems in the midst of intense combat. Since its unexpected debut in early February, the Helldivers 2 Latest Update has emerged as a sensation, enchanting players on both PC and PlayStation 5.
Even after almost three weeks since its launch, the game’s popularity continues its meteoric rise, nearing an impressive 3 million in sales. The eagerly awaited Patch 1.000.13, officially unveiled by Helldivers 2 on Twitter, introduces vital fixes. Most notably, it tackles the exploitative unlimited Strategems bug and resolves the glitch that hindered Super Credits from appearing after purchase.
As Arrowhead Game Studios adeptly tackles these challenges, players are eagerly anticipating not only sustained improvements but also the exciting potential of new content updates. The Helldivers 2 Latest Update adventure unfolds, promising an even more thrilling experience for players around the globe.
Patch Notes for Helldivers 2 Update Version 1.000.13
- Enhanced: Faster login speeds and improved error messaging on PS5.
- Enhanced: Added support for AZERTY keyboards, allowing Ship HUD shortcuts to be rebound.
- Resolved: Super Credits now properly display after purchase or collection.
- Resolved: Access issue fixed for Premium Warbond after purchase.
- Resolved: Addressed a crash that could occur when a player changed their rank or title.
- Resolved: Fixed missing text in HUD for Acquisitions and Social menus.
- Resolved: Fixed a crash that could occur during mission browsing.
- Resolved: Rectified the unlimited stratagem use glitch following an AFK kick.
- Resolved: Addressed missing equipment issues after an AFK kick.
- Resolved: Fixed the occurrence of purple question marks after an AFK kick.
Identified Challenges
These are challenges that either emerged with the latest patch and are currently under resolution, or they are persistent issues from prior versions awaiting correction.
- New Personal Orders fail to display properly.
- Login rate limiting occurs during peak log-in times.
- Players may experience disconnections during gameplay.
- Rewards and progress delays or non-attribution issues.
- Various UI glitches may arise during server interactions.
- Picking up specific in-game objects may result in character freezes.
- Brief periods of non-joinable games during heavy load.
- Possible occurrence of unidentified behaviors.
- Japanese VO missing from intro cutscene and Ship TV.
- Armor values for light/medium/heavy armor currently malfunction.
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