“Chainsaw Man” by Tatsuki Fujimoto stands out as one of the standout anime series of 2022, heightening interest in the movie adaptation of another of Fujimoto’s manga, “Look Back.”
Tatsuki Fujimoto rapidly gained recognition among manga and anime enthusiasts in English-speaking communities following the 2022 success of “Chainsaw Man.” This horror anime, centered around a young man who trades his soul to transform parts of himself into chainsaws, experienced immediate acclaim, sparking renewed interest in the original manga.
Given the triumph of “Chainsaw Man,” it was inevitable that other works by Fujimoto would be considered for potential adaptations. The next project in the pipeline is “Look Back,” a standalone thriller currently in the process of being adapted into a film.
Look Back Is The New Anime Movie From Chainsaw Man Creator
Tatsuki Fujimoto’s “Look Back” has been adapted into a film by Avex Pictures, with a scheduled Japanese release date of June 28, 2024. The unveiling of the first trailer offers a glimpse into a narrative distinct from Fujimoto’s previous work.
In “Look Back,” two young girls bond over their shared passion for drawing manga. However, their connection takes a turn when supernatural events expose one of them to the threat of a murderer. In contrast to the more overt mythology of “Chainsaw Man,” “Look Back” adopts a subtler approach, maintaining a sense of intrigue without delving into deeper fantastical elements.
Directed by Kiyotaka Oshiyama, “Look Back” promises a more grounded and slice-of-life atmosphere, a departure from the visceral and action-packed style of “Chainsaw Man.” This choice showcases Fujimoto’s versatility as a creator, revealing a different facet of his storytelling beyond the realm of blood and guts.
While the selection of “Look Back” might seem unconventional as a follow-up to “Chainsaw Man,” it emphasizes Fujimoto’s diverse creative range. For fans eagerly awaiting “Chainsaw Man” season 2, “Look Back” serves as a noteworthy interim experience. Presently, the release is confirmed only for Japan, but an English dub and sub release can be anticipated in the near future given Fujimoto’s track record. Stay tuned for updates!
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