The Solo Leveling anime has gained significant attention since its debut. In contrast to the usual Japanese nomenclature prevalent in anime, the new series features Korean names, as evident in characters like Sung Jin-Woo, Lee Joohee, Song Chi-Yul, Cha Hae-In, and others.
This deviation may raise questions among fans about the anime’s country of origin. Furthermore, Japanese fans may observe that the characters in the anime have distinct names when compared to their counterparts in Japan. Consequently, the query arises: Is Solo Leveling anime a Japanese or Korean production?
Is Solo Leveling Japanese or Korean?
The Solo Leveling anime is set in Korea. Originally a South Korean web novel titled “Solo Leveling” or “Only I Level Up,” it was authored by Chugong. The serialization of this series commenced on KakaoPage, Kakao’s digital comic and fiction platform, in June 2016. Subsequently, in November of the same year, D&C Media published it under their Papyrus label.
The narrative then transitioned to a webtoon adaptation, with illustrations provided by Jang Sung-rak, also known as Dubu. This adaptation, like its precursor, was serialized on KakaoPage, beginning in March 2018. The first season of the webtoon concluded in March 2020, followed by the commencement of the second season in August 2020, concluding in December 2021. Unfortunately, the illustrator, Jang Sung-rak, passed away in July 2023.
Given these details about its creators, it becomes evident that the series originates from Korea.
Concerning the anime adaptation, it is also rooted in Korea. The manhwa consistently establishes that the story unfolds in Korea, explicitly referencing Japan as a distinct country. This confirmation underscores that the anime is firmly based in Korea.
Does Solo Leveling Have An Alternate Version?
Yes, an alternative version of the anime exists, featuring Japanese names for characters and locations. This version appears to be exclusive to Japan, likely implemented to prevent any potential issues between Japan and Korea, both of which have had a tumultuous relationship in the past.
In this alternate rendition, the storyline is set in Tokyo, Japan. Notably, Sung Jin-Woo’s name undergoes a transformation to Shun Mizushino. Other characters also experience name changes in this version, with Yoo Jin-ho becoming Kenta Moribishi, Sung Jin-Ah transformed into Aoi Mizushino, Cha Hae-In modified to Shizuku Kousaka, and Go Gun-hee altered to Kyoomi Gotou, among others. Essentially, each Korean name in the series is replaced with its Japanese equivalent.
It is anticipated that, as the narrative unfolds, additional alterations to character and location names may occur. Fortunately, fans worldwide will not encounter such modifications, as they will have the opportunity to view the anime with the original character and location names consistent with the original web novel and webtoon series.
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